Kühl-Lenjer Training

Corporate Design & Website

Creation in 2012, redesign and relaunch in 2021

With Michael Kühl-Lenjer, we were finally able to do another project "from start to finish". We accompanied Kühl-Lenjer Training on its way into the market from the very beginning. After the corporate design development, the entire website was then realized as a responsive website: One website for all end devices: smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop, ... . The website scales automatically depending on the screen size of the end device, and the content is also displayed and hidden intelligently. The smaller the resolution of the target device, the more secondarily important information (e.g. the sidebar with additional quotes and link boxes) is hidden.

MKL Logo

Logo redesign in 2021

Web typography, photography and illustration

Another special feature are the individual fonts (Web Typography), which contribute to a large extent to the successful appearance of the website through the use of the latest web technology. The design is further supported by illustrations by Peter Butschkow and a portrait photo by Alexander Stertzik.



A perfect and fruitful collaboration! Tojio's strengths: listening, understanding, advice, creation and expertise. Not only am I completely satisfied, but the feedback I get from my contacts is also extremely positive.


M. Kühl-Lenjer

Kühl-Lenjer Training

Michael Kühl-Lenjer has decades of professional experience. Most recently as Head of Sales Training and Development in the pharmaceutical industry. Experience that others can now benefit from. With the founding of Kühl-Lenjer Training, he offers personal training for managers and salespeople. His special approach (advantage through relationship competence) focuses on the relationship level, as well as on the topics of respect and empathy and their learnability and application in business life.