

Open source content management system and framework

Drupal is the most popular, professional CMS worldwide and is the most widely used of the top websites that are operated with an open source CMS - and the trend is rising. Drupal is not only suitable for "normal" requirements, but also for complex, individual solutions where other popular systems, such as Wordpress, Typo 3 or Joomla, have difficulties. Not only the largest international open source developer community speaks in favor of Drupal, but also its acceptance in the free, global market economy. Drupal is future-proof, open and offers a basis with which nothing is impossible.

Why choose Drupal:

Drupal Evergreen Logo

Ambitious digital projects

It is not without reason that we often rely on open source solutions and above all on Drupal as our CMS / framework. Not only do we have many years of experience with Drupal projects, but the worldwide development and growing distribution and support of Drupal also confirms our choice of core technology.

Drupal Logo rising above digitalized mountains

Drupal modules: Add functionalities as required

Drupal consists of the Drupal Core Software and an ecosystem of countless Drupal modules. The right system can be put together from this kit for various requirements. In addition to the now very mature and stable core software, some Drupal modules stand out that are used particularly frequently and are therefore often very advanced. A fairly new example of such a "special" Drupal module and the resulting enormous expansion of Drupal's capabilities is the ECA module.

Drupal ECA Modul Logo vor bpmn graphic user interface

Powerful - the Drupal ECA module

The Drupal ECA module is a real game changer. A completely new no-code solution for Drupal to easily automate processes and customize the behavior of Drupal using a graphical interface without programming.

Thanks to the seamless integration of ECA with graphical user interfaces such as BPMN.iO, Camunda BPMN, ECA Classic Modeller, you can fully customize, extend and automate all Drupal functionalities without having to write a single line of code. This allows you to set new standards in Drupal administration and maximize your efficiency.

Tojio ist Drupal Award GEWINNER in der Kategorie REGIERUNG.
Drupal Olivero Theme
Claro Theme Node Add Screen

Drupal 10 and Drupal 11 ...

Drupal has become significantly more flexible and scalable with version 9. It is also used more frequently as a content hub or as a headless / decoupled CMS. The development cycles are constant, so Drupal 11 will be released sometime in 2024. If you want to find out more about the current state of affairs, or rather what the near future looks like, you should watch these two videos:

DrupalCon Portland opening keynote


Video about the Drupal Brand Refresh