React is a powerful open-source JavaScript library that was originally developed by Facebook and is used to develop user interfaces (frontend user interfaces) for web applications. It is now one of the most popular front-end technologies in web development.
decoupled / headless CMS + React
React is often used in conjunction with a decoupled / headless CMS. Another important aspect is the speed and rapid response of the front end to changes in the application's status. In simple terms, this means that the website loads faster and responds more quickly. The user does not have to click and wait until the browser has reloaded or refreshed the changes, but the system reacts almost immediately.

React has several features that make it a popular choice for web application development:
- Component-based architecture: React allows developers to split the user interface into reusable components. This promotes a modular and structured code base that is easy to maintain and extend.
- Virtual DOM: React uses a virtual DOM that efficiently handles changes to the user interface. Instead of re-rendering the entire DOM when changes are made, React only updates the affected parts, resulting in better performance.
- Declarative Syntax: React's Declarative Syntax makes it easy to manage the state of the user interface depending on the application state. Developers describe what they want the UI to look like based on the current state, and React takes care of making the appropriate updates.
- JSX: JSX is an extension of JavaScript that allows developers to write HTML-like code within JavaScript. This allows them to define the structure of the user interface directly in their JavaScript code, which facilitates development and improves the readability of the code.
- Community and ecosystem: React has a large and active community as well as an extensive ecosystem of libraries and tools. This makes it easier for developers to access existing solutions and benefit from best practices.
Overall, React is particularly well suited for the development of modern, interactive and scalable web applications that require high usability and performance. programmed with React Frontend
Experience with React
At Tojio, we have had good experiences with React in the development of web applications. We use it for high-performance and scalable front-end solutions. However, React is not the best choice for every project - it just depends.
For HolidayCheck, for example, we developed the complex web application "Partner Widget" with React. The websites for and have also been programmed with React. Booking route programmed with React