Vereon AG

Event websites with Drupal

We have created various websites for Vereon AG. Vereon AG has been successfully organizing events for various industries since 2003, some of which are repeated regularly. Therefore, the creation of a clone functionality was important.

Cloning and skinning websites

Conferences, symposia and seminars repeat themselves. Furthermore, the requirements for an event website are often relatively similar. Together with Vereon AG, we have therefore created a process for duplicating event websites. A specific website is cloned including Drupal Content Management System and the web design is given a new coating (skinning). The main changes are the colors, key visuals and the logo. The content (menu structure, images, texts) is then completely changed.

Exchange Summit Website

Exchange Summit website

Responsive web design

The conversion of the existing websites to responsive websites is taking place gradually. So far, only the websites of the Swiss Payment Forum and the Exchange Summit have been equipped with a responsive grid. This means that the websites automatically adapt to the screen size of the various end devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop) and therefore always provide an optimal display for the viewer.

Drupal multi-site installation

The content management system Drupal 7 was used for all websites. By using a Drupal multi-site installation, all websites of Vereon AG run on just one Drupal installation. This means that only one installation needs to be maintained, e.g. with system and security updates. This significantly reduces operating costs.


As an organizer of congresses, conferences and seminars for executives from all over Europe, we are dependent on presenting our many offers appropriately. Tojio GmbH is an important and constantly available service provider for us. We are happy to recommend the internet agency with a clear conscience.


Johannes von Mulert

SwissPayment on iPhone

Logo Design

We have designed the logos (Logo Design section) for the following event brands:

  • Innovation Forum Energy
  • Business Intelligence Agenda
  • Swiss Payment Forum