Sto AG

Web app builder's guide

For the relaunch of Sto AG's corporate website, we were commissioned, among other things, to completely redesign the area for the target group of private building owners. The new Sto builder's guide forms the centerpiece of this.

This is a web application based on the Adobe Flash platform, which is characterized by the fact that it has various individual applications ready for the user. The applications, such as the profit calculator or the query of the subsidy database, function as practical guides for private building owners who want to obtain information in the course of a planned energy-efficient renovation or a new building. Users can save some of the results as a PDF (generated in Sto AG's corporate design) or have qualified tradesmen in their area recommended to them directly. For a project inquiry or for specific questions that only the tradesman can answer, there is also the option of contacting the tradesman directly.

Web technology

The selection of the Adobe Flash platform technology for the realization of the project quickly turned out to be the right choice. We were able to achieve a close connection between design and technology that would probably not have been possible so easily and efficiently with other technologies (e.g. HTML 5 and Java Script) given the state of the art at the time. In particular, the integration of the Adobe Creative Suite 5 design workflow made collaboration at the interface between design and programming much easier.

Addendum: Market changes

In the meantime, the drastic changes driven by Apple in the mobile Internet sector have meant that Adobe Flash technology is hardly an option for future projects. After Apple finally ruled out support for Flash on the iPad and iPhone, Adobe itself finally farewell to Flash.

The technological future for such web applications now lies with Html 5, Css 3 and JavaScript. Nevertheless, the distribution of the Flash plug-in in the desktop area is still almost 100%.