vlitter Partner Portal

Individual web software development

Maria Klein is a well-known, reputable matchmaker. Her activities cover a broad spectrum. She is a book author ("Love finds everyone" and "Female, 40, suddenly single"), regularly on television, an active blogger and simply constantly bringing people together who have not yet found each other.

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Vlitter is one of your many projects: Vlitter is an online dating portal that takes a different approach to conventional portals. People looking for a partner "date" in a playful way by putting themselves up for the date auction or bidding on someone. There are no limits to creativity. Users decide for themselves whether they want to go to the theater, for example, or just chat for the time being.

Vlitter wants to bring people together quickly and easily and help them meet outside the Internet, because that's where true love takes place.

Tojio designed the Vlitter brand for Maria Klein (naming, logo, corporate design). In addition to realizing the project using web design and web development, we designed various measures for the market launch of the portal (business cards, letterhead, flyers, advertisements, advertising banners ...).