Drupal Upgrade & Content Migration
Partially automatic migration
We created the 5th Avenue Products Trading-GmbH website on Drupal 7 in 2015 and have operated and maintained it on our servers ever since.

Basis for the theme: Bootstrap (Barrio) and SASS
The mature and often proven Bootstrap Framework in version 4 forms the basis of the newly created theme via the Flex-based base theme Bootstrap Barrio. We used the CSS language extension SASS with Node.js and Gulp to rebuild the theme efficiently and according to Atomic Design principles.

Important helpers: Drush & Migrate Tools
The interplay of Drush & Migrate Tools is the basis of every upgrade project. Once the question of what should and can be migrated from the previous installation has been decided, you can start using these tools to transfer this content and configurations.
Improvement during the upgrade: Media
After the basic migration of the images from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, they are stored as file-fields. However, since media has been available in the core during the further development of Drupal 8, we want to achieve uniform access to all media. We have therefore converted the previous file fields into real media objects using the migrate files to media module - as it should be in a modern Drupal installation.
Improvement during the upgrade: Commerce Entities
We had created the 5th Avenue products as Drupal Commerce Entities in the original site to have all options open for processing the products later. Since there was no usable upgrade path for this and we could thus remove some complexity from the administration, we migrated the commerce entities to ordinary nodes.
Views: new, interactive product catalog
An important feature of the website is the cigar finder. It consists of a complex view for displaying and filtering the product range and is supported by additional JavaScript functionalities. The view had to be completely rebuilt manually for Drupal 8, but now also benefits from the use of the Twig template language.