University of Constance

Department websites

Philosophy, chemistry, biology, life science

In the advanced application process for the University of Konstanz's Excellence Initiative, Tojio was commissioned to completely redesign the websites of several departments. The Departments of Biology and Chemistry won the competition and subsequently founded the joint graduate school "Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology".

Website Uni Konstanz Graduiertenschule Chemical Biology
Website Uni Konstanz Fachbereich Biologie
Website Uni Konstanz Studiengang Life Science
Website Uni Konstanz Fachbereich Chemie

The department pages are characterized by a simple but representative web design. The design was based on the idea that it should be possible to create (clone / duplicate) new pages for other or new departments relatively easily and quickly. The departments are mainly distinguished by different color branding:

  • green = Department of Biology
  • blue = Department of Chemistry
  • turquoise = Graduate School of Chemical Biology
  • beige = Life Science
  • grey = Department of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy is an exception. The page has an independent header with a large keyvisual.

Website Uni Konstanz Fachbereich Philosophie

Faculty of Philosophy

Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology

"Study where others go on vacation." For the Graduate School's website, we were able to get the well-known photographer Achim Mende to sponsor a camera balloon aerial photo of Constance. This advertises the geographical location of the city of Constance on the homepage as a kind of flanking measure to the technical aspects.

In addition to the target group-oriented representation in the course of the Excellence Initiative and the recruitment of researchers and students on an international level, another requirement was the multilingual maintenance of the content for different user groups.

The German CMS Redaxo was used as the content management system.