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12.06.2013, Gunnar Neef

SEO tools and online marketing lexicon

"SEO starts with OnPage!"

I have recently tried out a few SEO tools for website analysis, including Sistrix Smart and the SEOlytics Starter Version. The tools provide SEO analyses for a website and also give detailed tips on what can be improved on certain individual webpages for search engines.

The professional versions of the SEO tools are usually subject to a charge. You can get started either with a 30-day trial access or with a slimmed-down free version. With SEOlytics, you can extend the duration of the trial access by 60 days, e.g. with a tweet or a recommendation on Facebook. Sistrix Smart is not subject to any time limit.


Optimize for search engines

In our opinion, the tools are particularly useful as a supplement to the free standard tools such as Google Analytics, Web Master Tools or Page Speed Tools. Even if you build a website according to all the rules of the art and consider the optimization for the ranking already during the conception, simple SEO errors can still creep in: e.g. a broken link or too long titles or meta descriptions. In addition to these helpful tips for improvement, you will also receive interesting information about backlinks, keywords, server accessibility, the SERP ranking, a comparison with the competition or the development of the visibility index, for example.

Here is a selected list of popular SEO tools:


Lexicon OnPageWiki

Another provider of an SEO tool is from Munich. The site also has an online marketing encyclopedia "OnPageWiki", which covers the topics of online marketing, search engine optimization and social media. As there are so many technical terms from English in these areas and new terms are added regularly, this is certainly a helpful resource (alongside Wikipedia).


Superman weiß Bescheid

Superman knows all about it.

"SEO starts with OnPage!"

That's right, because since the latest search algorithm changes from Goggle (Panda updates), the length of stay and pageviews, for example, have a significantly greater influence on the ranking. The loading speed of a website is also becoming increasingly important. Nowadays, search engine optimization starts with "building" (design, usability, code) and "filling" (content). Some of the old tricks have had their day.

The Heavy Overdose Administrator

In keeping with all the denglish SEO/marketing blubber, I can think of a somewhat older prank call. For all those who don't know it yet, it's worth a listen: Radio PSR calls JungvonMatt.

PS: Another practical reference work for marketing terms (less specialized in online, more in brands) can be found at