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20.03.2025, Kai Gertz

Drupal Mountain Camp 2025

The fifth Drupal Mountain Camp took place from March 11 - 13, 2025 in Davos.

The Drupal Mountain Camp in Davos took place last week for the fifth time - it was my first time there, but certainly not the last: because it was great to meet participants from all over the world and to be informed about the state of the art in a very short time through the lectures, especially in areas that you don't necessarily have much contact with in everyday life.

Sprecher steht am Rednerpult mit erhobener linketr Hand

Alejandro Moreno López gives the opening speech at the Drupal Mountain Camp 2025. Photo by Patrick Itten - / @patrickitten

Fotograf Patrick Itten fotografiert eine Gruppe von Gewinnern des Schweizer Splash Awards

Patrick photographs winners of the Swiss Splash Award here - He was tireless with his camera; other pictures in this blog article are by him (marked accordingly)

Open source on top of the world

"Open source on top of the world" - that is the slogan of the Swiss Drupal Mountain Camp. 77 participants from various countries met in Davos to discuss current topics.

As a Catalan, Cristina Chumilla raised a very interesting question in this constellation: Why is the preconfigured product "Drupal CMS" not (yet) multilingual? 

Eine Sprecherin steht am Rednerpult auf einer Bühne

Cristina Chumillas during her presentation "Drupal CMS now and beyond" at Drupal Mountain Camp 2025. Photo by Patrick Itten - / @patrickitten

Zuhörer eines Vortrags sitzen an Tischreihen

Audience at the Drupal Mountain Camp 2025. photo by Patrick Itten - / @patrickitten

This question naturally concerns the hosts in multilingual Switzerland in particular, but also their colleagues from Belgium, who also have to have everything bilingual per se. According to Cristina, the reason why multilingualism has not yet arrived in the preconfigured "Drupal CMS" is: "you know... America" ;-)

Swiss Splash Awards 2025

On the evening of the first day, the Swiss Splash Awards 2025 took place, followed by a celebration in a bar in Davos. The Splash Awards are nationally limited events at which the best projects in a country are honored each year. And with the expected "Swissness", there really were some very good projects!

The Swiss Splash Awards were sponsored by and hosted by Andrew Melck.

Leute sitzen in einer Bar um einen runden Tisch.

Drupal Mountain Camp 2025 - Splash Awards Party. Photo by Patrick Itten - / @patrickitten

Eine Frau und ein Mann unterhalten sich in einer Bar

Drupal Mountain Camp 2025 - Splash Awards Party. Photo by Patrick Itten - / @patrickitten

Preview of the Experience Builder

One of the hottest topics of the whole event from my point of view was the preview of the upcoming Experience Builder. Lauri Timanee from Acquia presented the progress of the project and explained the connections between the React app and SDC Components and the basics of Layout Builder Components. It's already clear: the Experience Builder will revolutionize the way content is created in Drupal!

Lauri Timanee steht als Sprecher neben seiner Präsentation, in der ersten Reihe sitzen Zuhörer.

Lauri Timanee presents the progress to date and the roadmap for the Experience Builder

Fondue on the Schatzalp

The second evening was the social event par excellence in Switzerland: a fondue dinner together! We took the funicular from Davos up to Schatzalp, ate a delicious fondue and then walked back down to Davos by torchlight.

Leute in eienm Restaurant. In der Mitte auf dem Tisch steht ein Topf mit schweizer Fondue.

Drupal Mountain Camp 2025 - Fondue on the Schatzalp. Photo by Patrick Itten - / @patrickitten

Eine Gruppe von Leuten wandert im Dunkeln mit Fackeln den Berg hinab.

Drupal Mountain Camp 2025 - Night hike back from Schatzalp to Davos. Photo by Patrick Itten - / @patrickitten


While we at Tojio have often been to Drupal events in Switzerland (mostly in Zurich), this was my first time at the Drupal Mountain Camp in Davos. To be honest, Davos had always put me off a bit; I only knew the place from the World Economic Forum, where world leaders meet in the Davos Congress Center...

On site, however, I found a wonderful, warm community - just like you know it from Drupal. I'll be there again next time!

Teilnehmer einer Konferenz auf einem Gruppenbild.

Drupal Mountain Camp 2025 - All participants in a group photo. Photo by Patrick Itten - / @patrickitten