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23.01.2015, Gunnar Neef

Can Drupal 8 replace TYPO3 in Europe?

the trends on the Internet come from the USA

This is what Alain Veuve asks himself in his blog article "What will Drupal 8 mean for the European market?". Normally, the USA leads the way on the Internet ... and what first catches on overseas comes to Europe with a time lag. For the TYPO3 CMS, which is so well established here, this would mean that it could lose its supremacy relatively quickly. Because behind Drupal 8 is a huge, capable (developer) community and with Acquia a powerful company that provides significant support for Drupal and the Drupal community.


Drupal 8 Logo Europa

More requests for Drupal, fewer requests for TYPO3

We at Tojio GmbH can also confirm from our own experience that there are now significantly more direct requests for Drupal. These are often inquiries from internationally active companies who, due to their worldwide requirements, prefer to rely on a globally distributed, accepted and English-language enterprise open source CMS solution in the future and therefore opt for Drupal and explicitly against TYPO3.



For the community, Drupal 8 is ready when it's ready.


Apart from the fact that the completion of Drupal 8 is dragging on, there is every indication that it will be a big hit. In particular, the use of Symfony components in Drupal 8 is seen as a smart move. Drupal 8 is currently in the beta phase and will enter the release candidate phase once all critical issues have been fixed. In concrete terms, this means that Drupal 8 could be released in the first half of 2015.


Preview of Drupal 8