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20.05.2016, Sebastian Schröder

Is it time for a website relaunch?

The bounce rate is constantly increasing ... ?

The bounce rate of your website is constantly increasing, users only spend a few seconds on your website or your website is simply not achieving the desired success? Perhaps you should think about a relaunch


It's not just the new web design trends that emerge every year that speak in favor of a website redesign - there are many other factors to consider.

Users who visit your website are always pursuing a specific goal or looking for a solution to a problem. If the user does not find what they are looking for directly on your website, they will disappear again in no time at all. To prevent this, you need not only good content but also a few other elements that lead to the success of your website.

For example, an infographic from Innoppl shows that 40% of users leave a website immediately if it does not load within three seconds. Among other things, unusual typography, sufficient white space and paying attention to trends are also extremely important for a perfect user experience on your website.


Here are the most important factors for a website redesign:

  • The website does not address the needs of customers
  • the website is slow and has a high bounce rate
  • the website does not address the target group in the right way
  • the conversion rate of the website is poor
  • the web design and functionalities appear outdated
How to tell when your website needs a complete make over
