
Cloud hosting

Scalable, cloud and server, PaaS, domain and DNS management

Modern, scalable and attractively priced cloud hosting

As a reseller, we purchase hosting solutions in large data centers and expand them intelligently, resulting in a beneficial end result for you (and our workflows)


We normally use hosting solutions exclusively from German data centers - so you avoid any data protection problems caused by international data traffic at other locations.

You benefit from proven systems that are highly scalable and, thanks to virtualization and cloud technologies, fail-safe in terms of their hardware compared to a classic root server. We have perfectly aligned our workflows and tools with the data center and can make this technology stack available to new customers by simply duplicating it.


In addition, we have aligned our other suitable offerings, such as SLAs and DevOps, with this hosting. This way, we both benefit from a smooth workflow and you also benefit twice over from cost advantages that would otherwise arise for setting up and customizing various tools on other/your servers.

Tojio Web Hosting Categories and differences Infografik

Mostly our recommendation: Shared cloud hosting or your own virtual server

For small and medium-sized sites, we can offer extremely affordable hosting in our shared cloud hosting area. For larger sites or those with special technical requirements or security restrictions, we recommend a dedicated virtual server that works with exactly the same architecture and technology, but makes its resources available solely for your project.

Platform as a Service Hosting (PaaS)

With platform as a service hosting, you book a complete, high-performance hosting environment from a provider that you can tailor and configure to your own needs. You no longer have to deal with traditional server management tasks such as installing/updating software, monitoring services and stopping or restarting them as required, etc. With these solutions, you simply define the configuration, either via files or via a configuration UI in the browser. In contrast to our shared hosting or the virtual server, however, this variant is significantly more expensive.

Redundant hosting (high availablility)

Redundant hosting is necessary to achieve high availability - with all other options, there may be brief interruptions, for example when a server needs to be restarted or updates are carried out. Redundant hosting avoids such failures by operating several mirrored servers. This means that maintenance work can be carried out on the different servers one after the other, as it is not a problem if one of the servers temporarily fails: another one automatically takes over.

Redundant hosting can, in principle, be set up on your own servers as well as with Platform as a Service solutions. However, the complexity of the setup increases enormously here and the costs for such systems are in a different order of magnitude, so this option is really only an option for special cases and very large projects.

Our hosting services, adapted to your needs:

  • Shared cloud hosting
  • Scalable cloud hosting
  • Virtual servers
  • Procurement and setup of Platform as a Service (PaaS) hosting
  • Domain registration and administration
  • DNS administration