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29.03.2013, Gunnar Neef

Relaunch ... after almost 6 years

... finally finished with the new website.

We had to put our work on hold again and again because client projects were more important. We now understand why there are agencies that commission another agency to relaunch their own website. The core business simply comes first and that's why the project took a long time ...

Relaunch Fireworks

The contents

When creating the content, we realized that a lot of project references had accumulated over the past few years. A selection of the presentable references can be found in the "Portfolio" section. There is also a customer list, a selection of designed logos and a detailed list of the web technologies used by Tojio. As far as the blog is concerned, we have decided to start afresh here. The old blog "Tojio Labs" remains online under the subdomain

alte Flash Website von Tojio

Our old Flash website

The technology

Responsive web design is the website trend par excellence at the moment. Responsive web design means that the website adapts flexibly to the screen size of the end device and simply hides less important content at smaller resolutions. Our new site is also responsive. This is particularly nice to see in the portfolio area when you scale the browser up and down on a large monitor. The portfolio thumbnail gallery was technically realized with the Isotope Java Script Library, a plugin for jQuery. The content management system used was once again Drupal 7.

alter Tojio Labs Blog

Our old blog "Tojio Labs"


Praise, criticism, suggestions for the new website ... ? Please send us an e-mail or leave a comment here in the blog ...