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12.02.2014, Gunnar Neef

Internet projects 2013

HolidayCheck, Sto AG, Heart Center Lake Constance, ...

In this blog article, we would like to briefly mention the projects that were completed towards the end of last year. We are particularly pleased about our new client HolidayCheck and that the websites of the Herz Kliniken Konstanz and Kreuzlingen were finally able to go online after the turbulence caused by the hospital scandal.

Our second project for HolidayCheck, the creation of a B2B Rest Client in Drupal, required above all technical know-how:


New client HolidayCheck - 3 projects in 2013

The Partner Widget, a Drupal B2B Rest Client

The partner widget was realized with Drupal with regard to high data throughput. It is connected in front of the HolidayCheck REST API and provides partners with the database of hotel reviews in a simple way ...

Project description: HolidayCheck Partner Widget

Test procedure for the hotel rating platform

Our third project for HolidayCheck has a longer duration and is subject to a certain degree of confidentiality (partly because it has not yet been completed). Roughly speaking, it is an external service to test and improve the HolidayCheck website as a hotel review platform.



iPhone zeigt die responsive Navigation der Website des Herz Zentrums Bodensee

Responsive web design for the Heart Center Lake Constance

Heart Clinics Lake Constance

At the beginning of the second quarter of 2013, we had actually already completed the new website for Herz-Kliniken Bodensee. However, the relaunch was delayed by 3/4 of a year because the Heart Center suddenly had to deal with various accusations and still does. The "scandal" spread far and wide - even beyond the region.

We are all the more pleased that the websites were finally able to go online in mid-January 2014:

Project description: Lake Constance Heart Clinics

Exchange Summit Responsive Webdesign

Responsive web design for the Exchange Summit Conference

Responsive website for the Exchange Summit Conference

We regularly create websites for the Swiss company Vereon AG. The latest website clone is for the Exchange Summit Conference taking place in Barcelona in October. The congresses, conferences and seminars that Vereon AG organizes are repetitive. That is why we have developed a process for duplicating event websites together with Vereon. The website is cloned, including the Drupal content management system, and the web design is given a new overlay (skinning). The main changes are the colors, key visuals and the logo - i.e. the corporate design. The content (menu structure, images, texts) is then completely changed.

Project description: Vereon AG

Sto System Finder

Web application for Sto AG, country variants

Sto AG

Sto AG from the Black Forest is a global market leader. The so-called facade insulation systems form the core of the construction group's product portfolio. Their presentation is therefore of particular importance, especially as the Sto facade insulation systems are complex products, which in turn are made up of various individual Sto products. In 2010, we developed the Sto facade insulation system finder in order to present these adequately and make them comparable with each other.

The web app has been used in over ten countries so far and new languages are constantly being added. Last year it was Turkish, Italian and Polish as well as another English version for Turkey.


Project description: Sto facade insulation system finder

Sto Bauherren Ratgeber

Profit calculator, adjustment for Sto AG, Belgium

Profit calculator web app for Sto Belgium

The profit calculator is part of the building owner's guide web app, which we created for Sto AG Germany in 2010. For the subsidiary in Belgium, we were now able to make an adaptation for the Belgian market.

The profit calculator acts as a practical guide for private building owners who want to obtain information in the course of a planned energy-efficient renovation or even a new building.

Project description: Sto Bauherren-Ratgeber
Website: Sto Belgium
Web app: Builders' guide

Responsive relaunch of and

The Ticket-Shop from Constance is one of the leading providers of exclusive flights in German-speaking countries. Market penetration in this highly competitive segment is achieved with a three-brand strategy.

After the website went online in 2012 with an extensive relaunch, including responsive web design, blog and SEO measures, the and sites followed in September and December.

Vornesitzen Responsive Webdesign

Responsive relaunch for and

The website is aimed specifically at the Swiss market and offers both flight classes. Frequent flyers will not only find cheap offers here, but also extensive information on seating comfort and airline services. provides detailed information on the seat configurations, seat spacing and seat recline of the various classes and aircraft of the airlines. What meals are available and what do the various airport lounges look like? The content is constantly updated. This not only benefits the customer, but is also rewarded by Google within the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) from a technical SEO point of view.

Drupal 7 was used as the content management system. All three websites run on one Drupal installation. This means that only one Drupal installation needs to be maintained, e.g. with system and security updates. This significantly reduces operating costs.

Project description:
Project description: